Machst Spaß! Machst schnell!

Role playing, board games, programming, and maybe occasionally political opinion

Sunday, January 22, 2006

RPG Doodle 2

Game where the players control a group of people, like an army or a corporation or something. Maybe they each command a portion of it (like they’re all VPs, or colonels, or something).

Important to the game would be the control the characters have over they’re underlings, and the abilities of their underlings. Managing the trust the underlings have for their boss, as well as using their time and skills well would be some of the challenges of the game.

The more I think about this, the more the idea has a Sim flavor, although the mechanics might extend to other kinds of game, granted that the command strucure isn’t absolutely central. It does seem like it would support other premises fairly well.


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