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Thursday, January 05, 2006

First post regarding web-engine

I've been thinking for some time about a web development framework, and I'm doing my best to take the best ideas I've seen and fold them into one big thing.

I was originally quite inspired by Wee, by Michael Neumann. I really like the structure that Wee allows in web programming, and especially as AJAX becomes available at large, it seems like the sort of paradigms that Wee (and Seaside, and Borges) open up are intensely interesting.

On the other hand, I don't like the idea of generating HTML in code, and I don't like code in my HTML. I believe fairly strongly in SoC, and feel that even for a lone developer it leads to strong, flexible practices in code and application.

I've been very happy so far using cs/Template (although PageTemplate is a close second), and I think a derivation of the same will figure heavily in the final product. There are two features I want to add to it: the ability to add macros to a Template::Document, and a manually-dirtied caching engine.

I'd like to use Needle as the means to define wee-style parts to be composed with templates.

Anyway, that's a general roadmap. Separate entries as time goes one for different parts.


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