Machst Spaß! Machst schnell!

Role playing, board games, programming, and maybe occasionally political opinion

Friday, January 06, 2006

Web Etiquette

I realized something the other day about forum posting etiquette while reading a site that I don't usually even post to. Basically, it occurs to me that it's rude to post absolute statements.

On some level, it's okay to say something like "I was thinking about this and..." or "This just occurred to me:" but not to post absolute statements of fact - at least where what's being discussed is theory (even theory of practice.)

By analogy, if I were to say "Separation of Concerns is vital to web development." in a forum of discussion, it seems to me that's a little rude. By implication I'm suggesting "and if you think different you're a moron."

I'm not entirely sure what I think about this. Ultimately I think I come down on the side of softening statements in forums. After all, you're there for discussion - what's useful to you and to the silent masses who will read the exchange later is the free flow of ideas. If you make closed pronouncements about your subject, you're effectively ending the discussion.


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