Machst Spaß! Machst schnell!

Role playing, board games, programming, and maybe occasionally political opinion

Sunday, January 22, 2006

Quicky Little Mechanical Noodling

Battlestar Galactica, Apollo is technically on parole. He’s still the flight commander. His pilots ask him when he’s coming back to the card game. He’s tells them, as nicely as he can, that it’s pretty much against the rules. They start to get loud about how uncool it is that their beloved commander is locked up, and he shouts them down.

Here’s the idea that inspired. Imagine Apollo has a trait like Devotion to Duty. He could get a point pretty much all the time, because he’s in a position where his duty puts him in all kinds of conflicts. But as another player at his table (even GM), I’d want to see him get more for putting his duty in front of his own beliefs.

Here’s the basic premise: you’ve got some kind of plot/behavior reward. Like TSoY Keys. Except that when you hit your trait, you get one point, guaranteed, plus extra ones at the behest of other players, and the GM.

Maybe there’s some kind of cost to grant extra points, but it should be positive sum – you spend something worth less than a point to grant the extra.

Anyway, the idea is that when you do something run of the mill, you get a point, but when you do something really cool, your fellow players boost you up because it’s so cool.

Some nifty boardgame style mechanic to influence how the points get awarded. Maybe the GM always gets a bump up an award. The rest of players get some kind of collaborative extra award? Maybe there’s a pool of points, but they have to agree, or expend their own points for the nomination.


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