How'd We Lose The World
This isn’t quite as poetical an entry as it’s title suggests. Basically, I want to get the following thought down: if passion and sincerity are our best tools against oppression (and I admit completely that I’m paraphrasing from an Onion AV Club article here), then isn’t our biggest enemy Being Cool?
I mean, here’s the thing. We go out of way to show how jaded and bored and above whatever we are. Or how obsessed we are over the trivial.
So of course corporate commercialism plays to Cool. It reaps huge benefits from any restriction on freedom. Where the individual loses, the Man stands tall. The more we can’t stand apart for fear of being different, the more be plow wads of cash into absolute crap, the more we let ourselves be screwed.
This is quickly descending into screed, but the basic upshot is this: clever irony, calculated apathy, gothic ennui, and nostalgic collection are all Bad For You. Now you’ll excuse me while I go buy South Park
Season 7 on DVD. Because it’s on sale, of course.
And here I thought you didn't like South Park.
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